Monday, December 1, 2008

Santa's Rein"deer" in the West's Backyard

What a beautiful site we were treated to today. Josh and I looked in our backyard and what did appear but Santa's tiny rein"deer". There were seven deer altogether. They entertained Joshua for a half hour. It is the longest I have seen him sit in a long time. Snow was falling ever so gently on the deer who didn't seemed fazed by it at all. I was so excited to see them. It is my favorite time of year because I know we will see deer. There were no males only females and a baby. I hope this isn't the only time they will appear in the backyard.


West05 said...

You need to make some reindeer food for santa's reindeer! I just found a great "recipe" today!!

The West Family Adventures said...

I have one too! Share yours and I will share mine.