Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Welcome Home Uncle Joe and Big Brother Andrew

Uncle Joe and big brother Andrew were able to spend Christmas with us. Uncle Joe flew in from Texas and Andrew flew in from Los Angeles, California. Uncle Joe surprised Janet (Grandma Dogs) for Christmas. She had no idea that he was flying in. Boy was she surprised when she saw him. I think that I can finally hear out of both of my ears. Andrew had some down time in between filming TV "stuff" to come back to the "Region" to spend time with his family including his dad,step-mom, little sisters, and brother. We got to spend Christmas day with him and eat dinner as well as breakfast with him. The kids sure enjoyed seeing their big brother. Josh took a shining to his big brother. We hope his siblings didn't drive him too crazy and ruin any chances of him having children. Jamee even got her big bro's autograph. They think Andrew is the coolest because their big bro is on TV. We can't wait to see him in the show "Greek". He already has five people at this house in his fan club. We are very proud of him and what he is doing with his life. As you can tell by the pictures James was happy to see his brother and his oldest boy. Priceless. Their visit made our holiday. It was nice to spend time with them since they live so far away. We hope they enjoyed their visit as much as we did and hope that they can visit us again soon. Who knows maybe we will visit them.