Sunday, March 15, 2009

Joshua's 5th Birthday-Family Party

We finally had Joshua's family birthday party yesterday. It was a nice day and the house was full of family. The menu consisted of a Taco bar,white chicken chili, taco pizza, spanish rice, chips, salsa, and all the fixins. It was delicious. I don't think anyone went away hungry. Joshua was so cute opening his presents. He waited for me to read the cards and blew kisses after he opened the presents. After he opened the presents he told everyone"Party is over! Time to leave!" To0 cute. He was surprised the most when he saw his Great Aunt Linda come in. He stopped opening his presents, got down, and gave her a big hug and said "I didn't know you were coming. I missed you!" I almost started to cry. It was so sweet. He can be a sweet boy when he is not getting into trouble. The present he enjoyed the most was the Moon Sand grammy and grampy got him. Thanks mom and dad ! I will be sure to pack that when he spends the night over there! PAYBACK. Bet the Moon Sand won't come back home with him. All in all it was nice to get both sides of the family together.

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