Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Momma Dinner

James and the kids treated me to a birthday dinner at the House of Kobe-A Japanese restaurant. No cooking or cleaning. Now that is a birthday present! I ordered Land and Sea (which is Kobe beef and shrimp). It was delicious. We started off with soup, salad, and spring rolls. Then it was onto the main course of shrimp fried rice, grilled veggies, and beef/shrimp. Yummy. We ended the meal with ice cream. I stuffed myself like a pig. The kids enjoyed the seeing the meal cooked before their very eyes. Josh thought the fire was in his words "Awesome !". Here are the few pics to remember the night.

Anne Mari's Spring Concert

Anne Mari had another band concert on St. Patty's Day. She managed to learn 3 new songs in 8 weeks. She was great. She had to practice a lot. These songs were quite difficult. We are very proud of her. James was unable to make it since he was working. Don't worry I taped it for him. She will have another concert performance in a couple months. Be sure to check the blog for the next concert pictures. She is turning into a great little musician.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Joshua's 5th Birthday-Family Party

We finally had Joshua's family birthday party yesterday. It was a nice day and the house was full of family. The menu consisted of a Taco bar,white chicken chili, taco pizza, spanish rice, chips, salsa, and all the fixins. It was delicious. I don't think anyone went away hungry. Joshua was so cute opening his presents. He waited for me to read the cards and blew kisses after he opened the presents. After he opened the presents he told everyone"Party is over! Time to leave!" To0 cute. He was surprised the most when he saw his Great Aunt Linda come in. He stopped opening his presents, got down, and gave her a big hug and said "I didn't know you were coming. I missed you!" I almost started to cry. It was so sweet. He can be a sweet boy when he is not getting into trouble. The present he enjoyed the most was the Moon Sand grammy and grampy got him. Thanks mom and dad ! I will be sure to pack that when he spends the night over there! PAYBACK. Bet the Moon Sand won't come back home with him. All in all it was nice to get both sides of the family together.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Daddy Daughter Dance 2009

It was time again for the annual Daddy Daughter Dance at school again. Unfortunately, this year James was not able to attend since he was working. So their Papa agreed to be their date. He came all dressed up in his "monkey suit" as he calls it. He brought each of the girls a bouquet of flowers. We took a few pics before they headed out the door and I met them there. The moms host the dance and we cook as well as serve the food. We do it because we want to crash the dance. Shhh! Don't tell anyone. My dad had a wonderful time dancing with the girls. Later in the night his dates ditched him for their friends so he asked me out onto the dance floor for a spin. I haven't danced with him a long time. It was a special moment for me as well seeing him dance with the girls. It reminded me when I was a little girl dancing on top of my father's feet. Priceless!

Happy 5th Birthday Joshua

Our baby is five. How time flies by. Here are some pictures of him at his first kid birthday party at Jump and Fun. It was a big warehouse filled with different moon walks. What a great concept. Wish I would of thought of that! The kids had a blast. They jumped around for two hours and we sent them home on their merry way. Joshua fell asleep as soon as he got into the car. Here are some pics of him blowing out the candles on his cake, sliding down the slide, and his friends.