Saturday, August 28, 2010

We have a 9 Yr Old in the house!!!

Jamee celebrated her 9th birthday at home with her family and friends. On the menu was roast beef sandwiches and brats. If you come to our parties you wont' leave hungry. Jamee got a big surprise from her dad and I as well as her grandparents-Lanie the American Girl doll. She has been asking us for this doll since it came out. We tried on several occasions to win this doll for her but we were unsuccessful. I had it delivered to the house and she thought it was a car part her dad ordered. She was very excited. Jamee also got so many cute outfits to add to her summer attire. She is going to be the best dressed 9 yr old on the block thanks to her family. She is one lucky gal!!!!! Happy Birthday Jamee!

1 comment:

West05 said...

OMGosh that hat is so cute! Adorable!