Friday, September 19, 2008

Storm Damage at the West Home

Thought we might share with you the results of the a severe rain storm that hit our house in Northwest Indiana this past week. We are lucky since others didn't fair as well as we did. The water extended well into the middle of our yard. Just to give you an idea how much water we had in our backyard-Look at the end of that piece of wood and that is how far the water went. The trees in our back yard were saturated and the roots didn't have anything to hold on to. We lost several more trees but luckily that didn't hit our fence. The sump pump that never turns on in our crawl space turned on and still continues to run. Thank God our crawl space didn't flood. Nicki's sister's crawl space did unfortunately flood. Nicki's parents were close to being evacuated by boat but fortunately they didn't have to leave their home of over 30 years. They didn't sustain any damage to their home except a very soaked yard. James's mom and step-dad Ed didn't have any damage/flooding either. The kids didn't have school for two days since their school flooded in downtown Hobart. The children are going back to school tomorrow without a lunchroom, music, art, or science lab. Those areas are in the basement where it flooded and they have to blocked off until the areas are properly sanitized. As far as IUN is concerned (Nicki's work place as well as her sister and mothers work place too) the campus is closed and underwater for week. We don't know when the campus will open. We keep you posted. We will continue to pray for those less fortunate as us

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