Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Visit with Josh's OT-Kelly

Joshua's former occupational therapist, Kelly, was back in town from the US Virgin Islands and we got the chance to visit with her during breakfast today. She moved there to help other children who are in need of Occupational Therapy in the Virgin Islands. It was so nice of her to take time out of her limited time to visit with us. She kind of became part of the family since we saw her every week for a year and she helped Joshua so much. We are very grateful to her for the wonderful job she did with him. Those kids in the Virgin Islands have the best OT and are very lucky children! We don't know what we would have done without her. Josh was sooooo happy to see her and he remembers her very fondly as so do all of us in the West family. Hopefully when she comes back to the US in December we can meet with her again.

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