Saturday, May 30, 2009

Girl Scout Awards Ceremony

Anne Mari just had her Girl Scout Troop Ceremony. Anne was awarded a special pin signifying her 5th years as a girl scout. She also received a certificate and flower. Here are a few pics of the ceremony and with her fellow girl scouts. She has been in scouts with them since Kindergarten. Kudos to Miss Kim the troop leader for all her hard work this year. Until next year!

Joshua's Last Day of Preschool

Here are pictures of Joshua with his teachers on the last day of Preschool. The picture of him on the left he is with Mrs. Barker and on the right is Mrs. Silich. I can't believe that preschool is over. He is my final baby. It was a bittersweet moment for me. We have had these fine ladies in our life for five consecutive years. I honestly don't know what school life is without them. I wish I had another kid so I could have them again. My kids loved them and I thank them for providing them with the foundation they need to be successful in the upcoming years. A round of applause for the preschool teachers. My Joshua is officially a kindergartener!!!!!!!

Happy 8th Birthday from the Rain Forest Cafe

We celebrated Jamee's 8th Birthday at the Rainforest Cafe this year. She has wanted to go there for a while so we thought this would be a good time. She ordered Mini Burgers and was treated to a free ice cream sundae. The staff from Rainforest Cafe came out and sang her a special birthday song. The kids had a great time. There was so much stuff to look at they had a hard time just sitting down and eating.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our New Addition to the Family

Welcome to our family -"Norbit"! Norbit is a 2yr old Puggle. He is a hybrid dog between a pug and a beagle. A friend from work was not longer able to keep him so we decided to give him a loving home. Isn't he cute? He is really good dog and is very docile. He hardly barks except when my dad comes over (he goes nuts). The kids love him and he has fitting right into the family. His favorite person is James. He sits at his feet with his chest pumped out and his head back. It is so cute.