Sunday, April 19, 2009

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

We took the kids to an Easter Egg hunt at Festival Park in Hobart, IN. It was sponsered by the Hobart Jaycees. Anne Mari wasn't to keen on the idea. Apparently 10 year olds are "too old" for Easter egg hunts. Well we didn't care and told her to was doing it. She pitched a fit until she saw one of her friends there. Then of course it was ok. They had over 8,000 eggs out. The kids got their fair share of the goodies. I was a little disturbed by the instructions some parents were giving to their children. I thought an egg hunt was supposed to be fun not a competition. Well regarless they had a good time and the hunt was over in less than a minute.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dyeing Easter Eggs @ the West home

Well it was time once again to dye easter eggs for our easter basket. They did a great job. I bought a kit that had stickers this year. They enjoyed decorating the eggs more with stickers than dyeing them. We played our annual game of "Choke" a tradition on my mom's side of the family. Usually the girls rule in the house but it was the year of the boys apparently because daddy and josh won both rounds! My dad even won this year which in unheard of. We will let the boys win this year but we will take back the title next year. Girls rule. I hope that my kids carry on this tradition. We have so much fun playing this game and look forward to it every year.