Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hannah Montana Live in Concert at the West House

Last night was the premiere of the Hannah Montana/Miley Cirus Best of Both Worlds Concert on the Disney channel last night. This was a big event for the girls in our house because they love Hannah Montana. Josh was just excited to wear the 3-D glasses. We cranked up the volume on the home theatre system and the girls got to dance and sing along-something they weren't able to do at the movie theatre. Don't they look cool in their 3-D glasses?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Big Boy Bike

We purchased Josh a new bike at the Porter County Fair. He was getting to big for his little bike so we thought it was time to buy him a big boy bike. When we saw this bike at the fair we couldn't pass it up since "Nothing runs like a Deere". He got on it immediately and rode it up and down the fairgrounds and up and down our sidewalks at home. Joshua even put on his John Deere hat to match. My baby is growing up!

Bath Tub Art

Joshua's creative side came out while taking a bubble bath the other night. From his eye this is what his family looks like. He even signed his autograph. Joshua was so proud of himself and we were quite impressed at his artistic talent for a 4yr old.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

2008 Fame Art Festival

Jamee and Anne Mari's art projects from school were selected by their art teacher, Mrs. Peretin, to be displayed at this years 2008 FAME Art Festival exhibit at Merrillville High School. They each were presented with a certificate at an award ceremony and their art work was displayed amongst many other student artists from Northwest Indiana. Jamee has quite an imagination as you can see by her version of our state bird the Cardinal (everyone else colored it red). She likes to step out of the box-nothing wrong with that. This is the second year that both girls artwork was selected to represent St. Bridget School in the student art exhibit. I think I might have some Picasso's in my house. They would take after their ancestor-Benjamin West who painted for King George III (his paintings are in the Smithsonian in Washington DC)

Our John Deere Man

We had the opportunity to visit Uncle Dan and Aunt Lavonne over the 4th of July weekend in Ohio. The highlight for the trip for our Joshua was Uncle Danny's John Deere Tractor. Joshua's eyes lit up like fireworks and he was grinning from ear to ear when Uncle Dan brought it out. Uncle Dan let him cut the grass with him an he drove him around the property in the utility cart. Josh was in heaven. For those of you who didn't know Joshua loves John Deere everything. His big boy room is all decked out in John Deere. If we would let him he would cut grass everyday all day long. It is his very favorite thing to do.

Anne Mari's 1st Place Cheerleading Competition

Anne Mari had a Young Champions Cheerleading Competition in Michigan City, IN during the Memorial Day Weekend. She had some stiff competition including the team from Portage, but the Hobart team came out on top #1! She worked really hard and at one time she wanted to quit the team. Anne Mari was glad that she stuck with it and her hard work paid off. She and her team earned a trophy and first place ribbon. This coach did a great job working with the kids in a short period of time because they had to switch coaches in the middle of the season and start from scratch. Here are pictures of the winning team with the coach and Anne Mari with her trophy and ribbon.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Girls Weekend Visit With Their Godmother in Indianapolis

The girls went to the Indianapolis Zoo this past weekend with their Godmother, Valerie. Here they are feeding the giraffes carrots. Jamee and Anne Mari got to pet baby sharks! Jamee wasn't afraid at all-she stuck her hand right in the water. Annie was a little hesitant. Anne Mari also was picked out of the audience to give the dolphins commands during the dolphin show. How exciting for her. Lastly, they rode a roller coaster at the zoo. It was a day filled with fun and new adventures for them. After an exhausting day at the zoo Valerie and Keith took them to the neighborhood pool. Here they are hanging on Keith. Who looks more exhausted the girls or Keith?

Summer Swimming Lessons at Hobart High School

The girls recently took swimming lessons at the Hobart Pool through the Red Cross. Here they are showing off their aquatic skills. When they started both the girls didn't know how to swim. Now they are like fish! We are so proud of them. Jamee and Anne Mari earned their first(Water Exploration) and second cards(Primary Skills). Only four more cards to go! Maybe they will go into Jr. Lifeguards. Aunt Kara would be proud!

Friday, July 18, 2008

2008 St. Bridget Daddy Daughter Dance

James escorted the girls to the school's annual Daddy Daughter Dance at St. Bridget this year. Daddy even purchased his girls wrist corsages. Don't they look beautiful sitting on their handsome dad. Jamee and Anne Mari had a great time dancing with their dad. Mom crashed the dance by helping serve food. (Hint: We-the mother's supply the food and drinks for the dance so we can attend too!) Shhhhh! Don't tell the Dads.

Anne Mari's First Communion

Anne Mari made her First Communion in May of 2008 at St. Bridget Catholic Church. She looked like an angel. It was a huge milestone for her spriritually. We are very proud of her. We treated Anne Mari to her first manicure and had her hair professionally done. Believe it or not Walmart took this picture of her in her dress. Isn't she beautiful?

The West Summer Trip to Splash Universe

We took the kids to Splash Universe in Shipshewana, Indiana. We had a great time. The kids loved the giant water slide and the giant bucket of water that dumps water on you! They never got tired of that! We loved this trip so much that we are going back again for Anne Mari's 10th birthday in October.

The Tooth Fairy visits the West's house

Jamee lost her first tooth finally. She lost it while eating mama's famous chocolate chip pancakes. My pancakes must be hard as a rock! Jamee was sooooo exctited! She thought she was never going to lose her baby teeth. Papa tried to buy her first tooth, but Jamee said "No Deal!". The tooth fairy came as expected, but didn't leave her as much money as Papa had offered her. Oh well, live and learn! She has quite of few more loose teeth so keep checking for updates.